Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sketch 29 Challenge: Week One

You can check out what this is about HERE
Poppy Pods, pencil, Feb 1
Grasshopper, pencil, Feb 2

Flower from my garden, pen and watercolor, Feb 3
First ever self-portrait, pencil, Feb 4
Death of the Devil after Albrecht Durer, pencil, Feb 5
Sea Shell, color pencil, Feb 6
Tea Cups Illustration, pen and color pencil, Feb 7


  1. these are great! I cannot even draw stick people so to me these are amazing! Keep up the art making!

  2. Kellee these are fab. I especially love the ones you have taken further and added colour to. That tea cup picture would look lovely framed in your kitchen or dining room!

  3. Wow - these sketches are great! You are talented!

  4. These are amazing, you are really talented!

  5. Kelly!!! These are simply amazing! Love that self-portrait, it's simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. WOW! This is are absolutely amazing. Love the "flower from my garden" beautiful!
