Friday, July 1, 2011

Slice of Life

This is Happy Hour Friday & Ten Before the Tenth!

Not every Friday is as happy as a Friday should be. Last Friday I wanted to post my Happy Hour summary of a good week, but I wasn’t feeling it. It was a pretty crappy day. Which is exactly why I should have put my “world is crashing in” attitude away and face the hard facts: Life is good, even when it’s not.
Let me rephrase that: Life is good, even when you think it’s not. The key is all in how you think. A lot has been written on happiness and how to find it. Jesus and Buddha and Plato and Mr. Rogers all had something to say. I’m still looking into all my options. But I do know one thing, when you focus on the positive it sure helps lighten your load. That is why I am working on a weekly post that celebrates both the joy that Friday’s release brings and the ability to look at all the little things that made the week at hand the best week I ever had…each and every week.
And because this is the first of the month, I am also soliciting participation in both my endeavor to write more on my blog and to push myself to create more original art. So, I am once again promoting my TEN BEFORE THE TENTH challenge. It’s Happy Hour, grab a drink and a pen and paper and chill with me for a minute! I am looking for ten things that made this YOUR best week ever. I know you love your family and you are thankful to have your home, church, job, health, etc. I am asking you to look past the obvious and find TEN specific things that happened or somehow affected you in a way that re-affirmed for you that life is good.  Let me go first:
1.       I ate a crisp cucumber from the garden I have growing in my front yard.
2.       I discovered lino cut art, and the ability to make any image I design into a one of a kind stamp.
3.       My youngest can’t properly say “hot lava.” Instead he says “hot mama.” Naturally I have been asking him to say it as often as possible!
4.       I went running today and when I got to the end of three miles, I just wanted to keep going!
5.       The sound of Legos is a beautiful sound. It means all the boys (dad included) are playing together for hours.
6.       Dinner at the dining room table sitting across from my husband and next to my boys after a long day is my favorite place to eat after working hard to make a great meal.
7.       My oldest at 12 (going on 20) still likes to give lots of hugs and kisses.
8.       After finding “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee at the second hand store for .50 I realizing there is a reason it is one of America’s best novels. What a treasure.
9.       Facebook connects me with my friends and family like I never thought it could and I have come to realize that without it, I would not know or be close to many of the wonderful people that I get to “chat” with everyday.
10.   When I was having a bad day (again on Sunday) my dear middlest child passed by me trying to sing Bob Marley in his words, “Cuz’ everything’s gonna to be alright.” And it melted my heart because he was right.
Ok, your turn! Write them down. Put them where you can see them, post them to the world, share them with your family, but be honest with yourself! Then write at least one of those things here as a comment to this post. And there is an incentive, everyone who participates will get an original ink printing of my hand carved stamped image in the mail from me. YES, everyone! (just  participate and then send me your address via email: with the word blog in the title.) You have until July 10, 2011 at 7pm EST. So turn on some Bob Marley, pour something cold, and celebrate because this was the best week ever!


  1. Ok - it was a pretty rough week here. Probably a lot like the previous one for you. So this is hard for me.
    But my husband worked really hard to make Wednesday night a good birthday for me. Dinner, presents, dessert (cupcakes) and family.
    And I really appreciate it because he went over the top for me despite the fact that he was tired from a work day, too!

  2. Sam did or said something really dumb and I responded with something even dumber... then we both started laughing. It was the kind of laugh that just kept going like hic-ups. We ended up on the floor out of control and eventually out of breath.

    Gabriel came into the kitchen only to run back out again at full speed and with full voice declaring, "you guys are SO gross". Sam and I just kept on kissing.

  3. Hey Kellee!
    I'm in canada so you don't have to send anything out as it might be costly, but I wanted to leave you a comment anyway! :)
    I am happy to be having a break from chemotherapy even though the reason I am having a break is that I have to undergo major surgery again, but I am working hard on being happy to be out and about with my kids and enjoying the start of summer. Every second counts for me.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. What a great idea - and what a great reward to get something you created!

    Here's 2 from my list.

    I keep feeling a sense of awe since I moved to Phoenix 2 weeks ago, that I actually get to live in a place with PALM TREES! Feels like I'm on vacation every day.

    And . . . I found out yesterday that we'll probably be in our new house mid-July instead of the end of the month. Whew - what a relief!

    It really was a great week!

  5. Sat in the doctor's office with my son and husband last week watching the first major ultrasound of the newest addition to our family... that pretty much tops everything else for the week!

  6. sorry i'm late, but here are my ten:
    1. watching my youngest discover a clear new world with his glasses.
    2. hearing, "mama, you are my best friend".
    3. sucessfully making one of my Grandmother's recipes.
    4. enjoying my guilty pleasure of a sour cream cake doughnut.
    5. hating running but feeling great when i'm done.
    6. catching up on my laundry.
    7. my husband telling me i'm beautiful.
    8. watching our puppy's big ears flopping as he runs.
    9. having a cleaned playroom courtesy of the boys.
    10. fitting into a size smaller shorts.

  7. I have two addresses of the six responders. I would love to have the rest e-mail me so I can send something nice in the mail!

  8. Way past due date...I have been so busy I forgot, but I wanted to share with you anyway!

    What made my week the best week ever (ok a couple of weeks ago lol) is I realized that I have the best friends ever, even though I don't see them often! :)
