Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Happy Hour: When the Dust Settles

I've often said I work two full time jobs and get paid little for either. By day (and night and weekends and holidays) I am the domestic caretaker of a house full of monkeys; I am a stay at home mom. And when I can squeeze out an hour or three, I throw myself at this little dream I have of being an artist. Neither pay much, but when the dust settles I expect to see that the payoff will be greater than monetary rewards. 

The monkeys are already growing into strong vikings with dreams of their own and the little art career I dream of is slowly growing into a reality. The little steps I take today are evolving into a bigger sense of purpose and fulfillment. With each stroke of color I discover a new facet of myself. The joy of motherhood is more than the soft scent of new born babies; I never knew that my teenager could leave me in just as much awe today as he did with his first smile. And standing before a blank canvas is just as daunting and exhilarating, even after I have had little successes like being hung on a gallery wall or selling paintings. Because the challenge is still within myself. Any reward I hope to see out of my future will not come of luck, but rather step by step. Each mad, dusty, creative, driven and dedicated moment I put into it right now.  

So, yes, it's another best week ever because each week built upon the last will eventually lead to one beautiful life. When the dust settles, what will you see?

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