Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Countdown to Autumn

There's nothing like a new season to make me restless and and on edge with new ideas. I had a long dry spell through the summer, but with the kids back in school and cooler air outside, my creative desires are back in full force. In honor of my favorite season I will dedicate the next twelve days to painting every day. That means twelve new pastel painting to share with you every day until Autumn has arrived! It's always a big task for me to stay motivated and challenges are a good way to keep me focused.

Will you follow along? You can find me on FACEBOOK where I will post the new painting every day. And check back to the blog when I upload them all to this post. I love links and sharing, so go ahead and share my pictures on your favorite social media network...just remember to link back to this site! Thank you for following me on this journey. I'm so happy to have you along again!

*ETA* All Autumn paintings are now available as noted for SALE. These all come unframed and range in price from $100 to $270 plus shipping. I can take credit card payments through PayPal. Thank you for your continued support!
 Please contact me at mylifewithmonkeys@gmail.com for more information.

"Grey in Belgium" 12"x18" Pastel Painting, AVAILABLE (framed)
"Belgian Storm Rolling" 11"x14" Pastel Painting, SOLD

"There are Blue Skies" 9"x11" Pastel Painting, SOLD

"Red Rock 1" 9"x9" Pastel Painting, AVAILABLE

"Red Rock 2" 9"x9" Pastel Painting, AVAILABLE

"Early Winter's Morning" 9"x9" Pastel Painting, AVAILABLE
"Autumn Arrives in Belgium" 12"x9" Pastel Painting, SOLD

"September Harvest" 8"x10" Pastel Painting, SOLD
"Poplars" 8"x10" Pastel Painting, AVAILABLE

"Frozen Morning" 9"x12" Pastel Painting, AVAILABLE

"Poppies in Aix" 9"x12" Pastel Painting, SOLD

"Angels of Beloeil" 9"x11" Pastel Painting, (temporarily on hold)


  1. Your painting of the red-haired woman is amazing! Painting with water colors is a hard thing to do, but you've pulled it off wonderfully. Love the shadows in her face.

    1. Oh, Thank you so much! What a compliment! That is a painting of me...I figured if I could paint a self portrait...well, then, I'm half way there to being a professional! ;)

  2. kellee, these are amazing. really really beautiful!

  3. FANTASTIC! These are so beautiful!!!

  4. Amazing! Beautiful!

    1. I am so glad everyone is so receptive to my new art! I will post a couple more soon, so keep coming back to check! Thank you all!

  5. really lovely, kellee! especially the belgium paintings. you've captured the feeling and look of the landscape very well. let me know if you ever think of selling!! take care and regards to dave and the boys. ~ laura

    1. How are you Laura! I am finally, after a few years, feeling sentimental about Belgium! I got the first painting into a juried show and the second one has been accepted for a fundraiser and I think the third one is sold to the Weyrauchs! - so that means I am now selling my art! Prices are still reasonable, so just email me! mylifewithmonkeys@gmail.com

  6. I like mostly the ones with the Red Rock. And your self-portrait as well. You are a good encouragement for me, to go on a similar way, too. Thanks!

    1. Thank you Orsi. I encourage you to just begin. That's all I did....pick up the art supplies and go! Good Luck!

  7. Beautiful! Keep it up! I have a goal to own some of your art one day :)

    1. Well, it would sure be an honor if I knew my art was hanging on your wall. Just let me know when! ;)
