Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sketch 29 Challenge: Week Four and Final

So glad you could join me for my last week of the Leap Year Project I started for myself at the beginning of this month. I was hoping someone would be brave enough and participate, but I think this was a tough challenge and I didn't get any bites this time! If you are just joining and would like to see previous posts with my sketches, you will find Week 1 HERE, Week 2 HERE, and Week 3 HERE. And the original challenge HERE. I am rediscovering my love for creating fine art and just getting back into the regular practice of art after more than a decade off. This is my journey back and these are the bold steps I am taking. I hope you follow me on FACEBOOK to see what projects I have coming up! Thank-you for your comments and support!

Meditation in Circles (also known as I was tired that day,) pencil, Feb 23

Funky Fish, pencil, Feb. 24

Cherry Blossoms, watercolr and acrylic ink, Feb 25

Grapes, pencil, Feb. 26

California Coast, color pencil, Feb 27

Artichokes in Bloom, pencil, Feb 28

Bee Rider Illustration, pencil, Feb 28


  1. Nice work! I like Funky Fish and Cherry Blossoms especially.

  2. love your self portrait =) and street performer.

  3. California Coast - WOW! Great job keeping up all month.

  4. These are fantastic! I love the California Coast!

  5. You were not alone! I guess I'm just not big on posting, but here are two samples of things I wrote during the Challenge that are from different stories:

    -(Science Fiction 2)
    When the team crossed the threshold of the activity room its contents, layout and all white-on-white color scheme were a complete shock.

    What sort of gym is this? Com frowned at the padded swings, shelves, and flooring.

    Beta touched the first swing he came to and whistled, "This place is awesome."

    Alpha froze at the door as if an abhorrent smell accosted him from within.

    --(Intrigue 2 - First Line)
    Deb Patterson lay motionless on the hospital bed trying to figure out how she landed in the psych ward at St. Agnes' Hospital and what she could do to lengthen her stay.

    I also wrote the first section of Middle Age story and began working on "I Dreamt of Alaska" chapter.

    Thank you!
