Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Happy Hour: What's Your Word Again?

I’ve had an epiphany. But it was fleeting. I’ve set goals. But I can’t find the list. I’ve been inspired and then shelved the whole thing. I’m all organized, I have the tools for success, and I’ve even been given generous time. Oh, I’ve had good intentions, but complacency came creeping in the back door again, followed closely by excuses and idle distractions. My intentions were good and plans rang with sincerity, but I confess; I have lost FOCUS.
One word, one little word to direct the course of one year. 365 days. And somehow I’ve managed to forget all about it. Come mid-summer I need a gentle push or a BIG SHOVE to get back on track. How about you? Do you remember what was inspiring you to make a fabulous re-start as we rang in the New Year? Do remember when I proclaimed valiantly to live a more meaningful life? And I asked you to join me? (Yes, right here in this post!)
I guess when I think about it I do live a full life. In fact many may say I am living an overabundant life most of the time with all these Vikings underfoot. And while they know how to pillage and plunder daily, there is no shortage of a life well spent in this house. But there are things I set out to do when the clock struck 2012 and I know I am falling behind. I know I could do better still. I know I have hopes and ideas that ten me’s couldn’t finish and yet I’m half-assing it most days solo. So, let’s get going! Let’s you and me together pick up what’s left of this year, nearly six good months, and finish what we started.
This was the best week ever because I am inspired to stay focused on a few great things:
·         We have a summer to-do list and I am focused on crossing each and every last thing off.
·         I am lucky to have friendships with inspiring women who keep me focused.
·         All the summer produce stands have inspired me to cut back on the ice cream and focus on healthy eating again.
·         Family members are visiting this summer. They keep me focused on what is most important: relationships.
·         I took a break from blogging, but now I am focusing on new ideas and content to keep inspiring my readers.
·         And today I am focusing on that list of goals I made with the intention of realizing my dreams, one step at a time.
I hope you’re still with me on this journey and making great plans of your own. What was your word this year and how will you use it to inspire you to have the best week ever?


  1. I never came up with a word of my own but as the year is is still "half full" I'll think about another F-word to go along with being focused: forgiveness.

    1. That is a good "F" may just be the most important because without it we would die a young bitter empty death. You are a passionate person with a capacity to love deeply....I'm sure this year will end on a good note, you'll see! <3

    2. Did I just sound like a fortune cookie?

  2. you know i never came up with a word this year but if i had to choose i think it would be intention. i want to be intentional in the things that i do and say. thank you for sharing. you have such a wonderful way of writing that i enjoy very much!

    happy weekend to you!

    1. That is a fabulous word - I might steal it next year! ;) Thank you for the kind words!

  3. I'm going to make myself a list, so THANK YOU!! Lord, I need it. I have two chapters to write and if that's not on a list, it'll never get done.

    1. Yes! Get writing and I promise to buy the book when you're finished!
