Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Happy Hour: When You Face the Monsters

Beachcomber Collection #1, watercolor on Arches hotpress paper, Kellee Wynne Conrad

The fear and anxiety. The doubt nagging the back of your quiet thoughts. The negative, self-conscience voice of comparison. When you face the challenge head on and don’t back down, then maybe, just maybe you’ll have a chance to see your dreams come true. But if you never try, then answer is always no.
So what are you waiting for? What have you always wanted to do? You don’t have to jump off a cliff, just take a step off the curb and start the long walk. Write the first page, take a class, join the group, put in the time, make your intentions known, share your hard work and then be prepared to be rejected. Then do it all over again.
Face the monsters, face your fears. Risk Everything! It’s the only way to see your dreams come true.
This was the best week ever because I took a risk and submitted my art into a national juried art show. I won’t know if I had even one piece accepted until next month, but I already feel braver and more confident that I can be part of the art world. And I am following my dreams one step at a time.
Tell me, what are you doing to follow your dreams? How will you make this the best week ever?


  1. I lOve that watercolor! I'm so excited for you about submitting your work! You are so talented I just know that your work will be chosen!

    1. Thanks Valerie! I know I just have to keep giving it a shot...we'll see what happens.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. beautiful watercolor! i've always wanted to try watercolors, but haven't made the time for them...yet!

    1. Watercolors are so fun. Maybe I'll do a tutorial soon to inspire others to give it a try!

  4. This reminds me of a book I read last month. It was called "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway"

    Awesome book that reiterates your positive and inspirational post today!

    I hope you get some positive news on your artwork. That's awesome. :)

    1. Thanks, Diane. I'm going to look up that book. When I get news, I will let everyone know for sure, one way or the other!
